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I have just finished watching Adam Curtis' new documentary Hypernormality and I urge every single person to watch it; it is an unbelievably detailed and eye opening look into the events of how a world as complex and insane that it is today came about. It links everything up from Colonel Gaddafi, to the age of the internet, to Donald Trump, to LSD. It really is a masterpiece.

I also found it interesting going into the documentary not really knowing what I was about to watch. If I'm honest the only reason I was draw to it was because I like these complex words to sum up concepts, like Hypernormalism. So going into it with a blank mind and hoping to take away some themes and concepts for stories... I ended up realising that a lot of the world that we live in today is an amalgamation of a lot of the concepts and ideas for stories and worlds that we come up with at Paramnesia: Extreme capitalism, country politics and power, civilian response, world economics. It is scary to get to the end of a documentary like that and have the realisation that all the ideas that we bounce around as stories and concepts exist in the world and are very much real.

The documentary is linked here:

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PARAMNESIA is an indie game developer that specialises in games with and grounded realistic narrative with a twist. 

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